The Key to the Future in Production

With its 100% Turkish engineering and original structure, SmartFactory software is the biggest partner of our valued customers in the Industry 4.0 transition process.

SmartFactory is an Industry4.0 software. It is based on the collection and reporting of data in digital environment from all CNC and PLC controlled machines in your production.

3D Factory Dijital Twin

Smarten machines, increase efficiency, create paperless factories.


Move Your Production to Digital Instantly!

  • You can access the data directly by connecting to the machines with a single cable without cable confusion.
  • Production data is received via the controller at millisecond intervals.
  • It is not possible to manipulate and change the data.


SmartFactory’s modular structure offers businesses flexibility and scalability, helping them optimise their digital transformation processes.

SmartFactory’s modular structure offers businesses great advantages in digital transformation processes, making them ready for the future. Choose SmartFactory to increase your productivity and optimise your costs with flexible and scalable solutions tailored to your business needs.


Actual Cost Calculation with Accuracy


Productivity Increase

Artificial Intelligence Assisted

Analyses / Reporting / Preventive Maintenance

With Paperless Factory Reduce Your Error Rate to Zero!

Instead of recording the data in your business in the ledger, you can make your work easier by transferring data to digital media and reduce your errors to zero. By obtaining more efficient reports, you can analyse the status of your business in the shortest and best way.